"Erotica: Sydney Phillips Hardin", Juxtapoz, October 16, 2011
"Interview with Sydney Phillips Hardin", Don't Panic! Magazine, September 4, 2011
"Sydney Phillips Hardin's Blow Up Palin", Beautiful/Decay, November 12, 2010
“Sydney Phillips Hardin,” Gawker Artists
“Deflated Hopes for First Female President,” Buzzfeed, October, 2010.
Mark Drummond Davis,"Sacred = Art?", Artscope New England, May/June 2010
Boston Phoenix Editor's Picks,"Somerville Open Studios 2010", Boston Phoenix, May 28, 2010
Dig This,"Baby It's Cold Outside at The Washington Street Art Center", Weekly Dig, February 2, 2010
Bill Rodriguez, "She Is...," The Providence Phoenix, February 9, 2006
Kate Ledogar, “S’xls,” Boston's Weekly Dig, July 13-20, 2005, 44.
Meredith Goldstein, “Face Off,” The Boston Globe, August 12, 2004, Sidekick, 1.